Thursday, December 13, 2012

Guy Harris

His proposal: Tax cash inflows. (Comment - why not rather reduce company tax - that will help companies with being competitive. Why not cut fuel taxes - that will help companies be competitive. Why not reduce the compliance cost of doing business - that will help compnies be more competitive. Come on Guy there are many other bullets we know will hit the target. ...And we have not even started talking about the effects of onerous labour legislation on the economy.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Amore Bekker

Kyk ek hou van Amore. Nee, ek laaik haar sterk. Maar op Vrydag 7 Desember 2012 het sy in 'n weggooilyn iets gese wat my pla. Sy het gese dat ons, wanneer ons Kersgeskenke koop, Suid Afrikaans moet koop. Nou ek weet dat daar duisende gewone mense daarbuite is wat met haar sal saamstem dat dit werk skep indien 'n mens plaaslik koop. Hel, daar is selfs ekonome wat hierdie merkantalistiese idee aan hang - maar dit is nie hoe die ekonomie werk nie. Ek wil nie nou in die hele teorie van absolute en relatiewe voordeeel ingaan nie (, maar indien sy die konsep sou verstaan het, sou sy mense aangemoedig het om hul geld eerder wys te spandeer eerder as om Suid Afrikaans te koop want dan ondersteun ons die armstes van die armes van alle lande! (sowel as die klein bietjie meer bevoorregte armes van Suid Afrika wat op hulle beurt bydrae tot relatief goedkoper uitvoerprodukte vanaf Suid Afrika. Rek jou rand eerder as om meer te betaal net omdat dit in SA vervaardig word. 'n Kleintjie dus vir my "Favourite" Afrikaanse aanbiedster. As sy ooit "Ricardo" se - sal ek hierdie inskrywing wegneem! (Laat weet my wanneer dit gebeur het!)

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Mabandla - erasing history.

Mabanla apparently said the old flag had to be “put away in a museum with other artefacts dating from that era”.

“That flag belongs in a museum and shouldn’t fly proudly next to the SA flag,” Mabandla said.

The Castle IS a museum!

If one would want to remove all traces of the past - let's demolish the fucking old building! POEPOL

Hey?! What has happened here? Who can predict history?

Friday, November 23, 2012

Wade Bales

Not many people know Wade Bales.

Wade Bales is a wine connoisseur.

Wade might be a nice oak. He may be generous, friendly, intelligent and all the other flattering epitaphs one may ascribe to a fellow human being.

He is however also a poepol.

Why? In an article in the Business Times of 18 November 2012 it is reported that he believes that wine producers should establish a Chinese-focused producers' association. Nothing wrong with that. But then he uses the clincher "backed by the South African government". Does he not know that we have enough intervention by the state in the doings of civil society, that more government involvement means that my taxes are eventually used to prop up less than profitable initiatives, burocracies and other state appendices.

If China was this great profitable market why not go out there and exploit it like any other mature business person?

He says we, with the help of government need to "level the playing field with other competing countries". I agree with him that our wines should not be paying steep taxes on exports - frankly I did not know that we were so backward to have such a thing. Take it away - and free us from the heavy hand of the state.

But that is all - but "... for our government to get involved" in any other way (such as in subsidising, or through DTI sponsored trade missions, or anything else) is just wrong. If this what he means I stand by my epitaph - if not I apologise for the classification.

Charl Heydenrych

November 2012

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Stewart Jennings

Chinese imports are hurting manufacturing sector - we have to talk as member of BRICS to prevent unfair practices and "dumping" and then also look at tariffs. Who is he to want to make my life more expensive - get your house in order chum and leave me to buy cheap goods in the meantime.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Robbie Kempson

Former Springbok prop Robbie Kempson, who was arrested over an alleged assault during a World Classic match, said he feels "absolutely shattered" about the serious injury suffered by the American player involved.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

McIntosh Polela

Hawks spokesman McIntosh Polela has been suspended three weeks after making a controversial reference to prison rape on Twitter, police said on Thursday. “JubJub spending 1st nite in prison. Bail has been denied after being found guilty of murder, attempted murder & racing while high,” Polela tweeted shortly after judgment was handed down by the Protea Magistrate's Court. “I trust that JubJub's supporters gave him a jar of Vaseline to take to prison,” Polela posted.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Mzonjani Zulu

eThekwini National Freedom Party (NFP) councillor Mzonjani Zulu after court proceedings when he pulled out a gun and fired two shots at Siya Dlamini, killing him. Dlamini, 29, from the volatile KwaMashu Hostel, had been carrying a rusty spear. Dlamini was hit in the head and chest and died October 2012

Here is an update (posted July 2015)

Monday, May 28, 2012

Blade Nzimande - poepol of the week.

For not protecting academic and artistic freedom. He is minister of education damn you. We the people expect more than to browbeat Haffajee into submission and getting her to remove the oh so offensive painting from her website.
Personally I agree with the sentiments of the guy that painted his "spoilt ballot paper" on the image. The message was bigger than the the property and other rights that he violated. But Nzimande and the Communist Party using force and the threat of force against the gallery and the artist earns him the title of "poepol". Poepol of the week,

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

King Zwelenthini

“There was nothing like that and if you do it, you must know that you are rotten. I don’t care how you feel about it. If you do it, you must know that it is wrong and you are rotten. Same sex is not acceptable,” he was quoted as saying.

If this is what he said he is a poepol. If he did not say it, well...I will retract this award. I still think he is an anachronism and should not be funded by SA taxpayers money.