Friday, April 18, 2014
Oscar Pistorius
Skuldig of onskuldig - ek kry die man jammer, maar hy MOET plek kry op my lys, al is dit net vir sheer supidity (maar as ek hom sien, sien ek 'n klein gefrustreerde seuntjie sonder bene...)
Monday, April 14, 2014
Fikile Mbalula
for wanting to increase the quota for blacks in National teams to 60%. Representation on national level should be based on merit and merit only. The representation on national level should be a measure of the success of transformation and not a political tool for Mr Mbalula- we want to WIN. He is a poeopol if he pushes this agenda.
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
Another African Country
features in the "poepol of the Week"
This time the fools that do not understand markets and free trade are the poepolle. They want to destroy thousands of imported cars that don't meet their criteria of legality - just like other governments (also because they are misguided) burn marijuana and ivory and other nice stuff. Do these guys not realise that when you discard and destroy value you are wasting irreplaceable value - time, effort, resources. There must be a better way to solve the problem than to destroy good stuff. And whose cars are they in any case - surely not the Government's... Click here to get the full story:
Sunday, March 2, 2014
This is what you get with nationalised health care.
It is the Government's excuse to regulate you even more. Obama made my poepol list.
Monday, February 17, 2014
Surely this is a crime against humanity?
Museveni to sign harsh anti-gay bill Ugandan President is to sign a bill that will jail homosexuals for life.
Are there any remedies that the world can impose. No visas for Ugandian citizens. Stop all aid to the country. Stop travel by politicians. Do what the world done to SA during Apatheid. Isolate. No sport teams. Now is the time for pink to show its colors. Museveni is a dark brown hole.
Tuesday, February 11, 2014
Geoff Cohen
lees hierdie artikel en kyk hoe moan hierdie poepol. Hoekom verskuif hy nie sy kantoor na 'n jurisduksie buite SA soos Mauritius en probeer sy aandeelhouers se belange te dien eerder as om net te "moan" nie? Maatskappye moet innovatief te werk gaan om nie onnodig geld aan belastingowerhede te betaal ipv hulle aandeelhouers nie. Moenie 'n poepol wees nie - regerings pis net ons geld teen die muur uit. Firmas sal meer belasting-gehoorsaam wees indien belastingowerhede meer doen om belastings te verminder (soos wat Ierland gedoen het - dis hoekom Google daar is; en Mauritius - dis hoekom Cohen gerus daarna kan kyk, ongeag wat Pravin Gordhan (nog 'n poepol) te se het oor belastinghawes.
Hier moan hy weer:
Sunday, February 9, 2014
Seen on the EAAB website:
"The EAAB wishes to emphasise that, at present, no such courses (Ed note: that lead to the accrual of CPD points) or providers, save only for the EAAB itself, have as yet been accredited for the provision of any CPD activities. Attendance by estate agents at any such courses, seminars or presentations is, consequently, made under false pretences and will not result in the accrual of legitimate CPD points to the attendee."
It seems once again the wolf made itself the shepherd. The question should be "why" arn't there accredited private providers yet. I though the ideas was to improve industry standards. Poepolle.
Thursday, February 6, 2014
Tuesday, February 4, 2014
Wat is aan die gang?
Dr Ramphele reneged on the agreement that she stand as the DA's presidential candidate. This according to me is "poepolagtig".
Friday, January 24, 2014
A respected leader and academic slipped this time...
Prof Jonathan Jansen receives the honour this week for wanting to drag a private service provider (the lady that rents out student accommodation to white students) before some human rights tribunal. Now it would have been nice if she had been more skilled at identifying the best tenants based on criteria other than race, but she is basing her action on her experience, her prejudices and her limited view of the world - I think he is being, perhaps not a big poepol, but a bit poepolagtig. He should concentrate on fundamental property rights and if, under such conditions there is less overt racism in the normal free interaction between people he can regard himself succesful in his endeavour to produce a colourblind society. He should therefore for example rather resist state intervention in the setting of race based targets for university staff appointments if he was true to principle - rather than going after some small fry "tannie".
They surely used race as a basis for selecting the persons to appear on the banner of their website! See the copy below.
I just wondered is the guy third from the left is an Indian - I would surely hope so given the Free State's history. And the girl on the right - I hope she is coloured otherwise the balance will not be right. Or did I not interpret the hue of any of the others correctly - come on we have to stop this Apartheid classification nonsense!

Monday, January 20, 2014
Two poepols - both for the same reason
A teacher gives a crying grade Grade "R" learner a hiding - he is crying for his mother.
Mbalula calls Bafana 'a bunch of losers'. You see both are less than skilled and do not know how to build winning individuals and teams. Both are actually the cause of the failure of building confidences and making the world a better place. Shame on both of you. Am I falling in the same trap - not building your self-esteem? Ag, so sorry for calling you what you really are - poepolle.
Thursday, January 2, 2014
Journalist disguised as a priest
Party mense het net nie respekte nie.
Of is dit maar net entoesiasme vir die job?
Wat is jou mening?
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