Thursday, October 6, 2016

Aaron Motsoaledi - drunk with power

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Tuesday, October 4, 2016

The JSE and the FSB

...following a successful appeal lodged by the JSE. The appeal to the Financial Services Board’s (FSB’s) appeal board has resulted in the suspension of ZAR X’s conditional licence, while the FSB’s registrar responsible for securities services explains why he did not entertain the JSE’s objections to ZAR X’s licence application.

(Business Day 5 August 2016) This type of behaviour by a firm to keep the competition at bay is despicable. Fuck what are they afraid of? ...and then the regulator that panders to the big boy. Sorry both become poepolle. But perhaps I as the man in the street just do not understand.

But I did hope that we lived in a market economy, but perhaps I got it wrong...

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Saturday, September 24, 2016

Gilad Isaacs

Gilad Isaacs admits that people will be put out of a job through a minimum wage - he however through a "model" shows that this will be "negligible"! If I am that person it is not "negligible" it is serious! These guys that sit in their higly paid and often taxpayer sposored positions should not tell others what to do. Least of all employ the power of the state to hurt the most vulnerable in society. There is this guy that can hardly keep a job because his marginal contribution barely covers his marginal contribution and here comes the MWL and puts him out on the street. Well done (Dr!) Isaacs - you have just done your duty as a Socialist - using the force of the state to create a better society. How can we shut you up other than simply calling you and your Utilitaian ilk "poepolle"?

One can read what he says here and I hope you care enough to protect the vulnerable in society to keep their jobs and whatever dignity they have left by resisting the propesd Minimum Wage legislation. What is worse is that GI serves as academic rationalisation to people like this:

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Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Kol Franz Jooste

During a search for poepol van die week this one popped up. Thought it appropriate to list it here.

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Saturday, April 16, 2016

Fikile Mbalula

A new award is announced! The Sparrow award. Awarded to individuals that use race to stifle free speech.

The first one goes to our sports minister, who also has on previous occasions used his authority to prevent an open flow of opinions. ...then I guess it is his opinion, but you see he represents the Government and therein lies the rub.

Zapiro responds in a radio interview:

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Monday, April 11, 2016

Smorenburg - SUN

Sal hy deur die verslag as 'n poepol beskryf word?

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Sunday, April 10, 2016

Jannie de Villers, CEO of farmers’ lobby group Grain SA.

Jannie de Villers, CEO of farmers’ lobby group Grain SA. Him and his crony Commie Friends - Rob Davies and Pravin Gordhan - saying fuck the poor in SA. This boils down to racist policies by the privileged classes because it hurts the poor and the poor are BLACK. No wonder the EFF is gaining political ground - these shortsighted individuals are bad news (or is this planned strategy to destabilise the country) -- a 34% increase on import duties on grain! Why tax it in the first place? - no wonder our cost of living is high, no wonder our labour costs are high, no wonder we cannot compete in manufacturing and exporting stuff while the white farmer is lining their pockets (but also increasing race tensions).


What Jannie doesn't understand is A) it is the principle - a special interest group should not be able to enrich themselves at the cost of another group. It is morally wrong.
B) because of the ability of special interest groups that are able to do this we have thousands of products that are liable for import duties "to protect" producers at the cost of the consumer that has to pay more even for locally produced goods
C) We as consumers now cannot benefit from lower international prices
D) every cent counts.
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Kyk ook na 'n vorige poepol in hierdie verband:

Monday, March 28, 2016

Quinten de Kock

Run out. (28/3/2016)

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Mokgadi Pela

The minimum wages for workers in the farming and forestry sectors will increase with effect from March 1, 2016 the Department of Labour said on Monday. “Wage adjustments are morally right so as to ensure that workers’ earnings keep pace with the rising cost of living while boosting the purchasing power which benefits the economy,” acting spokesperson Mokgadi Pela said in a statement."

Shame - having to act as a spokesperson to an organisation that puts people out of a job - it cannot be nice, but then having to couch it as a something that is morally right just can't be defended. Then also to say that it "boosts purchasing power" is simply just not true! As if in the hands of the farmers the money would not have been spent. Pela must have gotten his economic education from some fly by night college, or he is just a poepol.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Pieter Kloppers

Sy hantering van die Poekie Bredenham debakel. Pieter Kloppers, US-direkteur van studentestrukture en -gemeenskappe. “Ons het vir hom die inkleurboek gegee sodat hy leer om nie oor die lyne in te kleur as dit by studentepret en onskuldige studente-aksies kom nie en sodat hy verskoning moet vra vir sy kleurblindheid.” Afriforum

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Penny Sparrow

Arme tannie - wat het haar besiel? Die laaste ding op aarde wat 'n mens moet doen is om sekere mense met apies te vergelyk en haar pogings om daar uit te kom kry haar net dieper in die kak. Dan kry 'n mens ouens soos Herman Mashaba - ipv om vrye spraak te te ondersteun, probeer hierdie nuweling in die politiek munt daaruit te slaan deur die haatspraak element nader te klap. Beide maak my poepol lys hierdie week.

Ek wil tog nog iets se. En van my broer Andre se gunsteling uitdrukkings was: "do not attribute to malice that which can be explained with stupidity" Ek dink sy was hier oneindig nie nadenkend... Toe ek toe die oorsprong van die uitdrukking so 'n bietje navors kom ek to op die volgende af: Principle of Charity - ek wil dat ons almal in hierdie rasdebat wat nou ontketen is, kyk of ons hierdie beginsel kan toepas vir 'n beter samelewing (maw kom ons toon begrip vir hoe rassisme onstaan en manifesteer, sonder om dit noodwendig te aanvaar en goed te praat). Om dit te kriminaliseer is natuurlik bollies en sal beteken dat ons 'n wag voor ons mond moet sit en vrye spraak sal sy gat lieflik sien. Dis belangriker om dit te beskerm meer as om seergemaakte gevoelens te beskerm.