Wednesday, July 29, 2015
ArcelorMittal South Africa Ltd
I think this is the first company that made my list. We can get cheap steel and look at wht these guys do - they are not on the consumer and user's side! Imagine 25% discount!
Look here to see why I list them here: ArcelorMittal South Africa Ltd. said last week that it’s going to fight steel from China, which is being sent to ports at prices as much as 25 percent below local output costs, according to the country’s largest maker. The unit of ArcelorMittal wants the government to increase tariffs.
Wednesday, July 15, 2015
Lynne Brown
Sy is een in meer opsigte as een. Sy verstaan net nie hoe die mark werk nie. Hoor wat se sy:
Brown was emphatic that she did not believe one should change the state-driven ownership model “for now... until you know what you are working towards. You can't make a decision (about) what happens to Eskom or any of the other state owned companies (until then)".
Brown told reporters that South Africa can expect three more years of power cuts, Reuters reported.
My long politician's answer
Turning to what she called "my long politician's answer", namely the question of what could be privatised by the State, Brown said: "Basic services must be provided by the State. How private companies and the private sector interact with that is part of what we are trying to do now. (But) we must be able to remain in charge as a State for want of a better word".
soos geraporteer deur:
Indien sy verstaan het sou sy gese het "Ons is van plan om te dereguleer - maw enigiemand wat elektrisiteit wil verskaf aan gebruikers sal dit kan doen en ons as regering sal alles in ons vermoe doen om struikelblokke uit die weg te ruim. Sy mag selfs gese het "ek dink nie dat enigiemand dit goedkoper as ESKOM sal kan doen nie want die Staat subsidieer hulle sodat ons die armstes van die armstes kan help om goedkoop krag te bekom - maar ons nooi almal uit wat die kapasiteit het om elektrisiteit op te wek om dit te doen tot voordeel van die land en sy mense" Maar nee - sy bly klou aan die Apartheid droom van 'n staatsbeheerde kragvooesienings netwerk wat net nie werk nie.
Friday, July 10, 2015
- wat BTW na 17% wil opstoot.
So ja, Judge Dennis Davies kry die eer om my poepol van die week te wees.
Wat weet hy rerig van die armoede en pyn wat sy toename in belasting gaan meebring?
His discussions with World Bank economists suggested South Africa needed a tax to gross domestic product ratio of close to 30% — and not the 19% or 20% for which some commentators had asked.
Wat de fok weet hierdie ouens nou rerig van wat 'n ideale verhouding behoort te wees. Die sosialistiese dose. Jammer vir die vloek maar dit moet nou ophou - om my geld te vat vir ander mense. Dit is hulle wat maak dat ek nie eers meer omgee vir 'n arm, koue en honger bedelaar by 'n robot nie - want ek dink hoekom moet ek omsien na jou welsyn as 30% van my inkomste gaan om vir mense soos hulle te help. Maar dan gee ek maar 'n paar sent want hy is net so magteloos soos ek.
'n Toename in BTW gaan ons ekonomie skade berokken.
Wednesday, July 8, 2015
23 Jan 2015, 11:37
Kortbroek word eersdaags herontplooi as ambasadeur in Griekeland. Die arme Grieke - hulle het reeds genoeg probleme van hul eie. Nou kry hulle nog een by.
Marthinus van Schalkwyk, die laaste NP-leier en tot onlangs toe ANC-minister, verhuis eersdaags Europa toe vir sy waarskynlike aanstelling as Suid-Afrika se nuwe ambassadeur in Griekeland.
Die Burger verneem vertroulik Van Schalkwyk het reeds met diplomatieke opleiding begin. Die departement van internasionale betrekkinge en samewerking wou dit egter gister nie bevestig nie.
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